Tuesday, May 22, 2007


We are home from Paris! It was absolutely wonderful and we had a fabulous time. On Friday, we took an overnight train to Paris. That had to be the worst experience ever. Sleeping sitting straight up with your knees bent at a perfect 90 degree angle with blaring neon lights is not comfortable at all! We arrived in Paris at 6:00am on Saturday. We had some time to kill before we could check into our hotel, so we wandered around the streets for a while. Later that afternoon, we climbed the Eiffel Tower (we were climbing at the same time we would have been at graduation at home!) and visited the Arc de Triomphe and ate crepes. On Sunday, we ate more crepes, visited the Louve Museum (where we saw the Mona Lisa), stopped by the Norte Dame, and spent the evening at a show at the Moulin Rouge! We returned home Monday. It was a fabulous way to spend our graduation from college.

Me in front of the Eiffel Tower. On the second level. We walked the stairs to this level (701 stairs all together), and then you have to take a scary little elevator to the very top!
Jen and I at the top! I read that the very top is equal to 81 stories. WOW!

A picture from the top overlooking a part of Paris. Paris is HUGE!

Looking straight down from the top.

Me in front of the Arc.

Norte Dame

The inside of Norte Dame (the ceiling). A mass was going on when we were there.

The Pyramids at the Louve

The Louve was absoltely huge. Here are a few of my favorites. You weren't aloud to take pictures of the Mona Lisa. It is quite small in real life though!

The night at the Moulin Rouge! The show was awesome!

1 comment:

Tiffy said...

I am so glad your trip to Paris went well! Those pictures are amazing. Yes, such a great way to celebrate graduation!