Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Lost in Translation

After spending three afternoons at the beach, Jen and I decided that we needed to buy some lotion to help hydrate our skin. We headed to the Super Amara on our way home from the beach yesterday. We quickly found the lotion section and immediately began looking for the cheapest brand. Down at the bottom was a brand called Natural Honey. They had many different kinds and we quickly noticed one said something about "Hydrating" (which is all we could translate) and it smelled good so we bought it. A week ago, we had mistakenly bought a package of stir-fry vegetables that had fish in it; we vowed to not just pick from the pictures after that and to attempt to read all of the packages we bought. Last night after Jen got out of the shower, she commented about our new lotion being difficult to rub in and that it was like a creamy gel. We completely attributed it to being "cheap" and thought nothing more if it. So this morning, we´re getting ready to head off to school and I was putting the lotion on my feet. Sure enough, it was sort of like a gel, which is what our sunscreen we bought here was like too so I thought nothing of it. And Jen was right, it was a bit difficult to rub in. I glanced at the bottle and had a startlingly realization. I went into the kitchen where Jen was looking in the refrigerator.

"Hey Jen. I don´t think this is lotion..." I stammered.
She peaked over the refrigerator door. "What do you mean?"
"I think it might be shower gel. See this here." I pointed to the bottle. "I think it says something about bath gel for the shower."
Jen quickly grabbed the bottle. "You´re kidding me!" She studied the bottle for a moment before responding, "I think you´re right."
I stifled a smile, mentally recalling the mix-up with the fish a week ago and now this.
Jen´s faced stiffened. "I put that all over my body!!"
I took a gulp of my coffee and turned around, trying not to laugh. "Well, you are all ready for your shower tonight." A giggle escaped from my mouth as I turned back around to face Jen.
Jen began to laugh too. Neither of us said anything more.

Later on Jen mentioned something about having a rash on her arm. I asked her if she had put anything on it; she laughed and boldly stated, "Shower gel."

Needless to say, Jen and I will be starting private Spanish lessons next week.


Anonymous said...

I am laughing so hard here. I can't imagine having shower gel all over my dry body...eww! Thanks for the humor on a busy Monday morning ;)

Tiffy said...

This story made me crack up. It's almost as good as the oatmeal for pepperspray story!