Sunday, April 29, 2007

"I do not speak French!"

It was raining yesterday. It didn't stop us from venturing out though. We went for a walk. The tide was coming in and the beach was slowly disappearing. We finally went clothes shopping! We found a store called Bershka (check out, which was cheap! I have figured out why Jen and I get so many strange looks: we do not dress ANYTHING like the people of Spain do! After shopping, we went out to a few bars and ate some unidentified pintxos, then stumbled across a bar where there were two Bachelor Parties going on. Obviously in Europe, the Bachelor Party is taken very seriously! A large group of men get together and wear matching shirts that have been specially made for the event and the groom-to-be wears a distinctly different colored shirt to make him stand out. We actually saw three different groups of guys wandering around the streets celebrating upcoming weddings. Ann told us that usually on the weekends people come over from France. Sure enough, we met a lot of French people last night. One of the groups of guys for a Bachelor Party were from France. It was interesting the brand new language barrier. Neither Jen nor I speak French. They spoke okay English and only a couple of them spoke Spanish. When Jen and I couldn’t get our message across in English, we’d speak in Spanish to the guys who knew Spanish and French and then they would relay it in French to the other guys. It was the most bizarre thing ever! Jen and I found out that we speak a lot better Spanish than we thought we did! We found ourselves being translators when speaking to local people in Spanish and then translating it into English for the French guys. I am proud to say though that my Spanish is improving! And by the way... not only does my name not translate well in Spanish, it doesn't in French either. I have gotten used to being called "Ereen." Here's two pictures from the night: The guy in the red with the pained look on his face was the Bachelor. I told him not to worry: marriage is great. I think he always looks like that.


Anonymous said...

These guys look very intoxicated :)

Anonymous said...

You have such a sunkissed glow in all your pictures! You look like you're having a great time!

Anonymous said...

Oh guess I should have put my name on your comment: Tiff

Anonymous said...

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