Monday, June 11, 2007

My Final Post

With Day 3 nearly finished, I am typing my last and final blog from the country of Spain. We spent the day driving along the coast, stopping to take pictures in tiny villages where some of our family was born and/or raised. Tomorrow morning will be spent packing our clothes into our suitcases and leaving San Sebastian in a bus, headed for Madrid. Our last full day will be spend in Madrid with mom and Dale, where we plan to sight see a little more and where Jen and I will mentally prepare ourselves for the 23 hour trip home. Bright and early Thursday morning (Wednesday night at home) we board the plane to Italy with mom and Dale. From Italy we part ways: Mom and Dale are continuing on through Italy for a few days and Jen and I fly to Georgia after spending the last 9 and 1/2 weeks in Spain. We will be arriving in good ol' Reno, Nevada at 8:30pm Thursday night. It's sad to know we are leaving, although in the same sense I am ready. It's been an experience I will never forget. Adios Espana. Hello Home!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

4 Days

We had a busy day today and another busy one tomorrow! Must go to bed!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

5 Days

5 Days to go. Mom and Dale made it to San Sebastian today. It was great to see them. Jen and I went dancing last night. It was a long night! I'll post pictures tomorrow!

Friday, June 8, 2007

6 Days

Today was our last day of school! It was really sad! The kids all drew me pictures to take home with me. And, the sun was sort of out today. It was pretty foggy but we did see the sun a little so it was a nice to see something other than rain. Mom and Uncle Dale get to San Sebastian tomorrow!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

She made it!

I just got a phone call from my mom! Her and Uncle Dale made it to Spain!

7 Days

Today, we took a class field trip to a big park outside of San Sebastian. It was very fun but very exhausting! Luckily, the sun was out. I haven't heard from my mom and Uncle Dale yet, so hopefully they made it to Spain!! 7 Days to go!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

8 Days

Only 8 days left. It rained this morning, but then the sun came out later this afternoon! It was fabulous! I had forgotten how great the sun is! We actually got to go to the beach after school today and I wore my brand new beach hat! The weather is supposed to be nice the next few days (showers in the morning, sun in the afternoon). So, at the closing of our trip, we’ll actually see the sun. My mom and Uncle Dale are on an airplane on their way here to visit us as I am typing this! I’m so excited to see them!